
List of Services Sonical Studio can provide for You

Vocal Track Recording

Recording Vocal Takes from Demos/Single Takes or Record that Song You've been waiting to get to the World, with just you or your whole band We can get you where you need to go.

Track Construction

We can produce backing tracks for your songs of all types and genres from Rock, Indie, Hip Hop to Country ,RNB to Trance and also Metal So if your in the need for a banging backing track that is custom designed to your liking


From knowing who you are as a Musician to knowing how to get the most from your Music & get it out into the public & Knowing your strengths and weaknesses

Live Audio Production

We can provide live Audio Production & Lighting. From simple Gigs to Outdoor Festivals, we have you covered.

Film Clips/Video Blogs & Professional Photography

If its just getting the most from your Online Posts to making a full Film Clip, we can help you with design and Video Production through Magic Solutions & Sonical Studios


From Studio lessons, Instrument lessons to Vocal Lessons, we can help you push that extra little bit from Yourself or take off from the very beginning